Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday Video

This video is full of juxtaposition. There are a number of objects that flash on screen in-between shots to make the viewer see something in a certain light.

For instance, showing the weird vampire looking dudes, and then the liquid falling from someone's mouth implies that the liquid is blood, or the other way around perhaps. No one would really think that the guy with makeup on s a vampire, but if that shot is played next to a shot of blood dripping out of someones mouth, than the thought that this person is a vampire is a little more likely.

Now, why Jay Z chose to pick these characters for his video (almost making it look like a promo for True Blood or something) I'll never know. Jay Z has always been incredibly mysterious to me. I mean, he never really tells too much about his life. And for being so famous, he seems pretty introverted, adding to his mystery.

I'm pretty sure that Jay Z is an Illuminati, or at least a Freemason, or even a shriner. Either way, he's mysterious as fuck, and it makes me respect him even more. And since he's married to Beyonce, he probably knows the real reason that Destiny's Child broke up, and that's knowledge that I'm sure the government wants, so Jay Z is most likely part of some big CIA cover up, to protect himself, as well as Beyonce.

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