Thursday, February 25, 2010

Not being able to find the print online of my favorite artwork...

Kurt Vonnegut's self portrait, which also contains his signature, is by far, one of my favorite pieces of art, so much that I have it tattooed on my body (the flesh depicted is indeed my body). The story behind the actual print is that Vonnegut, my favorite writer, was sitting in his Saab dealership on his 82nd birthday and drew a self portrait and signed it. It is featured in his book A man without a country, towards the back, next to my favorite poem of his, the first line being "This crucified planet earth."

Not that it's a super well-drawn portrait, or that it's groundbreaking in any way, this doodle of Vonnegut's is great because of what it symbolizes, which is Vonnegut himself, including everything that he ever was. I'm not a fan of tattoos, but I, out of adventure, decided to get one, and faced with the decision of something that I'd want on my body for the rest of my life, I chose Vonnegut's self portrait/ signature without even thinking twice.

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