On May 18th, what is probably my favorite active band- The Black Keys- released their sixth(ish) album called Brothers. A couple of days before the album was released, the album streamed on NPR and I listened to it, and to be quite honest, I wasn't too impressed. The songs themselves seemed to lack the thing I loved the most about The Black Keys- grit. I felt like the blues bones that made up the band softened up and were more like R&B bones, I felt like the band just didn't seem to be as extreme as they used to be, I just felt like they got soft. In no way did I dislike the album, I just wasn't too impressed, maybe I just had high expectations, or maybe it just wasn't what I perceived it to be.
Then... some time after May 18th, the release date, came along, and I went out and bought the CD. I felt like something changed from what was streaming on NPR, this album was full of grit, it was completely bluesy and not in the least bit soft.
I took a long pause here, and sort of forgot what my point was, it's not that NPR makes music suck, I guess that the message somew[here] would just be that Brothers by The Black Keys is a great fucking album. Thanks.